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Administering multiple clusters

Tasks for collectively administering multiple clusters are available when you are viewing the following:

These tasks include:

Editing attributes of selected clusters

The Edit Attributes task enables you to edit attributes on selected clusters in a one-to-many fashion (one action modifies many clusters).

 To edit attributes

  1. In either the Home:Clusters or Management Server:Clusters view, in the Clusters Listing table, do one of the following:
  2. In the Configuration task panel, click Edit Attribute.
  3. In the Edit Attribute dialog box, specify the following attribute details and then click OK:
Editing tags of selected clusters

The Edit Tags task enables you to edit tags on selected clusters in a one-to-many fashion (one command modifies many clusters).

  Note   You must be a management server administrator on the current management server to edit tags.

 To edit tags

  1. In either the Home:Clusters or Management Server:Clusters view, in the Clusters Listing table, do one of the following:
  2. In the Configuration task panel, click Edit Tags.
  3. In the Edit Tags dialog box, select the tag you want to modify from the Tag name drop-down menu.
  4. Enter the new value for the tag into the Values box. You can also optionally enter a description into the Description box.
  5. Click OK.
Removing a cluster

The Remove Cluster task enables you to delete clusters from the Cluster Management Console in a one-to-many fashion (one command deletes many clusters). This action deletes one or more clusters from the management server database. You can only delete clusters that are in an unknown state.

See Object states and consolidated states.

 To remove a cluster

  1. In either the Home:Clusters or Management Server:Clusters view, in the Clusters Listing table, do one of the following:
  2. In the Configuration task panel, click Remove Cluster.
  3. In the Remove Cluster dialog box, click OK to confirm that you want to remove the cluster.