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Backing up the database

Backing up the database is necessary so that crucial configuration and historical information can be recovered in the event of a failure. You can back up the database using the Cluster Management Console or the CLI. During the backup task, an archived copy of the database file and the associated transaction log file are backed up to a physically separate location. This location can be a tape drive or a disc drive.

  Note   The CLI does not support the gadb -backup command for directories with non-English characters.

 To backup the database using the Cluster Management Console

  1. On the main tab bar, click the Administration tab.
  2. On the details tab bar, click the Database tab
  3. In the Operations task menu, click Backup database to a File.
  4. In the Directory/Tape Drive dialog box, enter an existing directory path on the management server.

    If the directory path you specify does not exist, the database backup command does not create it.

  5. Click OK.

 To backup the database to a file using the command line