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Administering simulated clusters from the command line

The functionality of VCS Simulator commands mimic that of standard ha commands.



hasim -start system_name

Starts VCS Simulator. The variable system_name represents the system that will transition from the local_build state to running

hasim -setupclus 
clustername -simport 		
port_no [-wacport 					
port_no] [-sys 

Creates a simulated cluster and associates the specified ports with the cluster.  

hasim -deleteclus <clus>

Deletes specified cluster. Deleting the cluster removes all files and directories associated with the cluster.  

Before deleting a cluster, make sure the cluster is not configured as a global cluster.  

hasim -start 

[-clus clustername] [-

Starts VCS Simulator on the cluster specified by clustername.  

If you start VCS Simulator with the -disablel10n option, the simulated cluster does not accept localized values for attributes. Use this option when simulating a UNIX configuration on a Windows system to prevent potential corruption when importing the simulated configuration to a UNIX cluster.  

hasim -stop

Stops the simulation process. 

hasim -poweroff 

Gracefully shuts down the system. 

hasim -up system_name

Brings the system up. 

hasim -fault system_name


Faults the specified resource on the specified system. 

hasim -online 


Brings specified resource online. This command is useful if you have simulated a fault of a persistent resource and want to simulate the fix. 

hasim -faultcluster 

Simulates a cluster fault. 

hasim -clearcluster 

Clears a simulated cluster fault. 

hasim -getsimconfig 

Retrieves information about VCS Simulator ports. 

hasim -hb [..]

Equivalent to standard hahb command. 

hasim -disablel10n

Disables localized inputs for attribute values. Use this option when simulating UNIX configurations on Windows systems. 

hasim -clus [...]

Equivalent to standard haclus command. 

hasim -sys [...]

Equivalent to standard hasys command. 

hasim -grp [...]

Equivalent to standard hagrp command. 

hasim -res [...]

Equivalent to standard hares command. 

hasim -type [...]

Equivalent to standard hatype command. 

hasim -conf [...]

Equivalent to standard haconf command. 

hasim -attr [...]

Equivalent to standard haattr command.