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void VCSAgSetCookie(const char *name, void *cookie);

This primitive requests the agent framework to store a cookie. This value, which is transparent to the agent framework, can be obtained by calling the primitive VCSAgGetCookie(). A cookie is not stored permanently. It is lost when the agent process exits. This primitive can be called from any entry point. For example:

#include "VCSAgApi.h"


// Assume that the online, offline, and monitor

// operations on resource require a certain key. Also

// assume that obtaining this key is time consuming, but

// that it can be reused until this process is

// terminated.


// In this example, the open entry point obtains the key

// and stores it as a cookie. Subsequent online,

// offline, and monitor entry points get the cookie and

// use the key.


// Note that the cookie name can be any unique string.

// This example uses the resource name as the cookie

// name.


void *get_key() {



void res_open(const char *res_name, void **attr_val) {

if (VCSAgGetCookie(res_name) == NULL) {

void *key = get_key();

VCSAgSetCookie(res_name, key);



VCSAgResState res_monitor(const char *res_name, void

**attr_val, int *conf_level_ptr) {

VCSAgResState state = VCSAgResUnknown;

*conf_level_ptr = 0;

void *key = VCSAgGetCookie(res_name);

if (key == NULL) {

// Take care of the rare cases when

// the open entry point failed to

// obtain the key and set the the cookie.

key = get_key();

VCSAgSetCookie(res_name, key);


// Use the key for testing if the resource is

// online, and set the state accordingly.


return state;
