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Example agent information file (Windows)

The agent's information file is an XML file, named agent_name.xml, located in the agent directory. The file contains information about the agent, such as its name and version, and the description of the arguments for the resource type attributes. For example, the following file contains information for the FileOnOff agent:

<?xml version="1.0">

<agent name="FileOnOff" version="5.0">

<agent_description>Creates, removes, and monitors files.


<!--Platform the agent runs on-->


<!--Type of agent : script-Binary-Mixed-->


<!--info entry point implemented or not-->


<!--The minimum VCS version needed

for this agent-->


<!--The agent vendor name-->


<!--Attributes list for this agent-->


<PathName type="str" dimension="Scalar" editable="True"

important="True" mustconfigure="True" unique="True"

persistent="True" range="" default=""


<attr_description>Specifies the absolute pathname.




<!--List of files installed by this agent-->


<file name="%VCS_HOME\bin\FileOnOff\FileOnOffAgent" />



Agent information

The information describing the agent is contained in the first section of the XML file. The following table describes this information, which is also contained in the previous file example:

Attribute argument details

The agent's attribute information is described by several arguments. The following table describes them. Refer also to the previous XML file example for the FileOnOff agent and see how the PathName attribute information is included in the file.