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Sample configurations

Sample Configuration 1

In this example, configure the executable samba as StartProgram and StopProgram, with start and stop specified as command-line arguments respectively. Configure the agent to monitor two processes: a process specified by the pid, and the process nmbd.

Application sendmail (

    User = root

    StartProgram = "/sbin/init.d/sendmail start"

    StopPragram = "/sbin/init.d/sendmail stop"

    PidFiles = {"/etc/mail/"}


Sample Configuration 2

In this example, since no user is specified, it uses the root user. The executable samba starts and stops the application using start and stop as the command-line arguments. The executable sambaMonitor monitors the application and uses all as its command-line argument. Also, the agent monitors the smbd and nmbd processes.

Application sample_app2 (

    StartProgram = "/usr/sbin/sample_app start"

    StopProgram = "/usr/sbin/sample_app stop"

    CleanProgram = "/usr/sbin/sample_app force stop"

    MonitorProgram = "/usr/local/bin/sampleMonitor all"

    MonitorProcesses = { "sample_app_process" }
