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Removing VCS 5.0 depots

The program stops the VCS processes that are currently running during the uninstallation process.

 To uninstall VCS

  1. Do one of the following to begin uninstalling:
  2. Start uninstallvcs program.

    # cd /opt/VRTS/install

    # ./uninstallvcs

    The program specifies the directory where the logs are created and displays a copyright notice followed by a description of the cluster:

VCS configuration files exist on this system with the following 

Cluster Name: VCS_cluster2

Cluster ID Number: 7

Systems: north south

Service Groups: ClusterService groupA groupB

  1. Answer the prompt to proceed with uninstalling the software.
  2. Review the output as the uninstallvcs program continues to verify communication between systems and check the installations on each system to determine the depots to be uninstalled.
  3. If depots, such as enterprise agents, are found to be dependent on a VCS depot, the uninstaller prompt you on whether you want them removed. Enter y to remove the designated depots.
  4. Review the uninstaller report after the verification.
  5. Press Enter to uninstall the VCS depots.

    Are you sure you want to uninstall VCS depots? [y,n,q] (y)

  6. Review the output as the uninstaller stops processes, unloads kernel modules, and removes the depots.
  7. Note the location of summary and log files that the uninstaller creates after removing all the depots.