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Optional attributes

Optional attribute



The Share agent accepts as many clients as the user wishes provided all the clients are exported the same 'PathName'. 

Client or host where the directory specified by PathName is exported. The client can be a wild card (*) or a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) including the host name. 

Type and dimension: string-scalar 

Example: If "outland" is the host name, the FQDN hostname is 



Options to the exportfs command. When specifying multiple options, separate them with commas, for example:
"rw, no_root_squash" 

For more information about the exportfs command and its options, refer to the exportfs manpage.  

Type and dimension: string-vector 

Default = "ro, async, wdelay, root_squash" 



The Client attribute can be assigned one FQDN host name, whereas multiple FQDN host names can be assigned to the 'OtherClients' field. 

A combination of 'Client' and 'OtherClients' can be used to specify the host names. 

If both of the Client and OtherClients attributes are left unspecified, the PathName is exported to the world (*). 

Type and dimension: string-vector