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Monitoring bonded NICs

The NIC agent can monitor the network interfaces (bond0, bond1, etc.) that the bonding driver exports. Refer to operating system vendor documentation to set up the bonds and to configure your system to load the bonding driver correctly.

For monitoring a bond interface, the two important settings are:

Setting Mii and miimon

For the following cases, the name of the monitored bond interface is B. If you do not use one of the following cases to set up bonding, the bonding driver can potentially provide incorrect health status, which can result in VCS failing to fault the resource appropriately.

Case 1

Accept defaults—miimon is 0 and Mii is 1. Each of B's slaves must support the netif_carrier_ok in-kernel call.

Case 2

When you set miimon to anything except 0 (miimon!=0) and Mii to 1, both the hardware and the drivers of each of B's slaves must support the MII-based health monitoring.

Case 3

When you set Mii to 0, the NIC agent uses ping, which each card supports. In this case, the miimon setting is irrelevant.