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MultiNICA agent

Represents a set of network interfaces, and provides failover capabilities between them. The IPMultiNIC agent depends upon the MultiNICA agent to select the most preferred NIC on the system. IPMultiNIC brings the virtual IP online or offline. However, if the MultiNICA resource changes its active device, the MultiNICA agent handles the shifting of IP addresses.

If a NIC on a system fails, the MultiNICA agent selects another active NIC, and the virtual IP address shifts to the newly selected active NIC. Only in a case where all the NICs that form a MultiNICA agent fail, does the virtual IP address shift to another system.

If you associate an interface with a MultiNICA resource, do not associate it with any other MultiNICA or NIC resource. If the same set of interfaces must be a part of multiple service groups, configure:

The MultiNICA agent can operate in two modes IP Conservation Mode (ICM) and Performance Mode (PM). With sufficient IP addresses, use PM.