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Sample configurations

Configuration 1

In this example, /dev/sdc and /dev/sdd are the disks where the volume group testvg_1 is created.

LVMLogicalVolume lvol1 (

    LogicalVolume = testvol_1

    VolumeGroup = testvg_1


LVMVolumeGroup lvg1 (

    VolumeGroup = testvg_1


DiskReservation dr1 (

    Disks = { "/dev/sdc", "/dev/sdd" }


lvol1 requires lvg1

lvg1 requires dr1

Configuration 2

In this example, you use the DiskReservation resource to verify that disks are available only to one system. The LVM2 logical volumes on the LVM2 volume groups that are imported are started if the reservation is confirmed. The logical volumes can then be mounted at a mount point.

DiskReservation dr_cde (

    Disks = { "/dev/sdc", "/dev/sdd", "/dev/sde" }


    Mount mnt_lvmvol01 (

        MountPoint = "/mnt/lvmvol01"

        BlockDevice = "/dev/mapper/lvmvg01-lvmvol01"

        FSType = "reiserfs"

        FsckOpt = "-y"


    LVMLogicalVolume lvmvol01 (

        LogicalVolume = lvmvol01

        VolumeGroup = lvmvg01


    LVMVolumeGroup lvmvg01 (

        VolumeGroup = lvmvg01


    mnt_lvmvol01 requires lvmvol01

    lvmvol01 rquires lvmvg01

    lvmvg01 requires dr_cde