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Running a fire drill

The Run fire drill task enables you to do the following:

Three cluster objects play a role in a fire drill:

You can run a fire drill from the Cluster Management Console. The Cluster Management Console supports fire drills in multi-cluster mode only.

Before you run a fire drill, you must do the following:

See the Veritas Cluster Server Implementation Guide for information on configuring fire drills.

 To run a fire drill from the Cluster Management Console

  1. On the navigation bar, click Home.
  2. On the secondary tab bar, click Clusters.
  3. In the Home:Clusters view, in the Clusters Listing table, click the name of the primary global cluster.
  4. On the secondary tab bar, click Groups.
  5. In the Cluster:Groups view, in the Groups Listing table, click the name of the primary global group.
  6. In the Group:Summary view, in the Remote Operations task panel, click Run fire drill.

    You can view results of the fire drill in the Cluster:Groups view, the Group:Summary view, and in the Group:Fire Drill Logs view.

    See "About service group listing tables" on page 137.