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haclus -manage information about a VCS cluster


haclus -add cluster ip

haclus -delete cluster

haclus -delnotes

haclus -declare disconnect | outage | disaster | replica -clus remote_cluster [-failover]

haclus -display [cluster] [-localclus]

haclus -state [cluster] [-localclus]

haclus -list [conditional(s)]

haclus -value attribute [cluster] [-localclus]

haclus -notes

haclus -status [cluster]

haclus -updatelic

haclus -wait attribute value [-clus cluster] [-time timeout]

haclus [-help [-modify]]




The haclus command is used to manage the clusters in VCS. See NOTES for how to specify "-" and "%" characters in the command line.


-add cluster ip

Add a cluster named cluster with the cluster address ip. This is a representation of a remote cluster on the local cluster.

-delete cluster

Delete a remote cluster named cluster. This option is not applicable to the local cluster; that is, one cannot delete a local cluster.


Deletes Notifier messages queued for deletion in VCS on all cluster nodes. Notifier must not be running in the cluster; the command is rejected if Notifier is running. Check the output of the command "haclus -value Notifier" to verify that Notifier is not running in or connected to the the cluster. Use the command with caution.

-declare disconnect|outage|disaster|replica -clus remote_cluster [-failover]

These options are available only for a remote cluster. The -declare option sets the value of the 'DeclaredState' attribute for the specified remote cluster. The value can be set to one of the following values:





The -failover option may be used for 1) an automated failover of groups from a faulted cluster to the appropriate cluster chosen by VCS based on the cluster list for the group, or 2) to get information about the corrective actions that should be taken (if automated failover is not desired). The failover is possible only if the 'DeclaredState' is outage, disaster, or replica. The -failover option gives the last known state of the groups (as seen from the local cluster) on the specified remote cluster in the faulted state. The option also provides suggested corrective actions to be taken and waits for user input.

-display [cluster] [-localclus]

Display cluster attribute values for the specified cluster. If no cluster is specified, attribute values for all attributes for the local cluster are displayed.

-state [cluster] [-localclus]

Return the current state of specified cluster. If no cluster is specified, the state of all the clusters is returned. This state of any remote cluster is the state as seen from the local cluster. The state of the local cluster is always listed first.

-list [conditional(s)]

Displays a list of clusters whose attribute values match given conditional statement(s). Conditional statements can take three forms: Attribute=Value, Attribute!=Value, Attribute=~Value. Multiple conditional statements imply AND logic. If no conditional statement is specified, all clusters are listed. The local cluster is always listed first.

-value attribute [cluster] [-localclus]

The -value option provides the value of a single attribute for a specified cluster. If no cluster is specified, the value of the specified attribute for the local cluster is returned. The -value option is used instead of the -display option when one specific attribute value is needed rather than a table of many attribute values.


This option shows you the contents of the message queue maintained by engine for Notifier. The contents shall be the same on each node since the queue is replicated by the engine across all nodes.

-status [cluster]

The -status option gives the last known state (as seen from the local cluster) of the groups on a remote cluster in the faulted state. If cluster is not specified, all remote clusters in the faulted state are considered.


Updates licensing at the cluster level. NOTE: Before running haclus -updatelic, make sure that system level licensing is updated by running hasys -updatelic on all of the nodes in the cluster.

-wait attribute value [-clus cluster] [-time timeout]

The -wait option is for use in scripts to direct the haclus command to block until the value of the attribute is changed as specified, or until the timeout expires. If a timeout is not specified, the command line interface blocks indefinitely. timeout is an integer specifying seconds. The -wait option can be used only with changes to scalar attributes. The -clus option applies only when applying the -wait option in a Global Cluster environment. The scalar cluster level attributes on the remote cluster are limited to those capable of being displayed using the haclus -display remote_cluster command. See EXAMPLES.

-help [-modify]

This option prints the 'usage' message. If the -modify option is specified, it prints the usage message for modifying the values of attributes.

-modify -modify_options

The -modify option lets you modify the values of a cluster's attributes. You must make the configuration read-write before modifying any attributes. Some attributes are internal to VCS and cannot be modified. You can modify any attribute that can be configured in Modifiable attributes can be of any type or dimension, and can be global or local to a system. Modifying some attributes may have subtle implications. Look at documentation for an individual attribute to find out details.


haclus -modify attr value [-clus remote cluster]


Use the following command only when the attribute has no value:

haclus -modify attribute value

Only the following operations are allowed on vector attributes with defined values.

haclus -modify attribute -add key

haclus -modify attribute -delete -keys [-clus remote cluster]

  Note    You cannot delete an individual element of a VECTOR.


Use the following command only when the attribute has no value:

haclus -modify attr key

Only the following operations are allowed on keylist attributes with defined values.

haclus -modify attr -add key

haclus -modify attr -delete key ... [-clus remote cluster]

haclus -modify attr -delete -keys [-clus remote cluster]


Use the following command only when the attribute has no value:

haclus -modify attribute {key value}

Only the following operations are allowed on association attributes with defined values.

haclus -modify attribute -add {key value}

haclus -modify attribute -update {key value}

haclus -modify attribute -delete key [-clus remote cluster]

haclus -modify attribute -delete -keys [-clus remote cluster]


From a script, to use the -wait option to direct the haclus command to block until cluster C2 changes to a RUNNING state, enter:

haclus -wait ClusState RUNNING -clus C2


When using the command to specify or modify an attribute's value that begins with a dash ("-"), precede the value with a percent sign ("%"). For example, specify -y as %-y. Likewise, precede a value that starts with a percent sign with another percent sign.