About VCS infrastructure and support agents

VCS infrastructure and support agents monitor Veritas components and VCS objects.

See the Cluster Server Bundled Agents Reference Guide for a detailed description of these agents.

Table: VCS infrastructure and support agents and their description shows the VCS infrastructure and support agents and their description.

Table: VCS infrastructure and support agents and their description




Starts, stops, and monitors a notifier process, making it highly available. The notifier process manages the reception of messages from VCS and the delivery of those messages to SNMP consoles and SMTP servers. The NotifierMngr resource can depend on the NIC resource.


Mirrors the state of another resource on a local or remote system. It provides a method to specify and modify one resource and have its state reflected by its proxies. You can use the Proxy agent to replicate the status of a resource. For example, a service group that uses the NFS resource can use a Proxy resource. The Proxy resource can point to the NFS resource in a separate parallel service group.


Enables VCS to determine the state of parallel service groups that do not include OnOff resources. No dependencies exist for the Phantom resource.


Establishes dependencies between applications that are configured on different VCS clusters. For example, if you configure an Apache resource in a local cluster and a MySQL resource in a remote cluster, the Apache resource depends on the MySQL resource. You can use the RemoteGroup agent to establish the dependency between two resources and to monitor or manage a service group that exists in a remote cluster.


Monitors the I/O fencing coordination points.