
Table: Required attributes

Required attribute



The IP address or DNS name of a node in the remote cluster. The IP address can be either physical or virtual.

When configuring a virtual IP address of a remote cluster, do not configure the IP resource as a part of the remote service group.

Type and dimension: string-scalar

Examples: "" or ""


This is a required attribute when the remote cluster listens on a port other than the default value of 14141.

See Table: Optional attributes.


The name of the service group on the remote cluster that you want the RemoteGroup agent to monitor or manage.

Type and dimension: string-scalar

Example: "DBGrp"


You must set this attribute to either the VCS system name or the ANY value.

  • ANY

    The RemoteGroup resource goes online if the remote service group is online on any node in the remote cluster.

  • VCSSysName

    Use the name of a VCS system in a remote cluster where you want the remote service group to be online when the RemoteGroup resource goes online. Use this to establish a one-to-one mapping between the nodes of the local and remote clusters.

Type and dimension: string-scalar

Example: "vcssys1" or "ANY"


Select only one of these values to determine the mode of operation of the RemoteGroup resource: MonitorOnly, OnlineOnly, or OnOff.

  • OnOff

    The RemoteGroup resource brings the remote service group online or takes it offline.

    When you set the VCSSysName attribute to ANY, the SysList attribute of the remote service group determines the node where the remote service group onlines.

  • MonitorOnly

    The RemoteGroup resource only monitors the state of the remote service group. The RemoteGroup resource cannot online or offline the remote service group.

    Make sure that you bring the remote service group online before you online the RemoteGroup resource.

  • OnlineOnly

    The RemoteGroup resource only brings the remote service group online. The RemoteGroup resource cannot take the remote service group offline.

    When you set the VCSSysName attribute to ANY, the SysList attribute of the remote service group determines the node where the remote service group onlines.

Type and dimension: string-scalar


This is the login user name for the remote cluster.

When you set the ControlMode attribute to OnOff or OnlineOnly, the Username must have administrative privileges for the remote service group that you specify in the GroupName attribute.

When you use the RemoteGroup Wizard to enter your username data, you need to enter your username and the domain name in separate fields. For a cluster that has the Veritas Product Authentication Service, you do not need to enter the domain name.

For a secure remote cluster:

  • Local Unix user

    user@nodename - where the nodename is the name of the node that is specified in the IpAddress attribute. Do not set the DomainType attribute.

  • NIS or NIS+ user

    user@domainName - where domainName is the name of the NIS or NIS+ domain for the user. You must set the value of the DomainType attribute to either to nis or nisplus.

Type and dimension: string-scalar


  • For a cluster without the Veritas Product Authentication Service: "johnsmith"

  • For a secure remote cluster: ""


This is the password that corresponds to the user that you specify in the Username attribute. You must encrypt the password with the vcsencrypt -agent command.


Do not use the vcsencrypt utility when entering passwords from a configuration wizard or the Cluster Manager (Java Console).

Type and dimension: string-scalar

Table: Optional attributes

Optional attribute



For a secure remote cluster only, enter the domain type information for the specified user.

For users who have the domain type unixpwd, you do not have to set this attribute.

Type: string-scalar

Example: "nis", "nisplus"


For a secure remote cluster only. If you need the RemoteGroup agent to communicate to a specific authentication broker, set the value of this attribute to the broker's IP address.

Type: string-scalar

Example: ""


The port where the remote engine listens for requests.

This is an optional attribute, unless the remote cluster listens on a port other than the default value of 14141.

Type and dimension: integer-scalar

Default: 14141


The maximum expected time in seconds that the remote service group may take to offline. VCS calls the clean function for the RemoteGroup resource if the remote service group takes a longer time to offline than the time that you have specified for this attribute.

Type and dimension: integer-scalar

Default: 0


Select one of the following values for RemoteGroup to return IntentionalOffline:

  • RemotePartial - Indicates that the RemoteGroup resource returns an IntentionalOffline if the remote service group is in an ONLINE|PARTIAL state.

  • RemoteOffline - Indicates that the RemoteGroup resource returns an IntentionalOffline if the remote service group is in an OFFLINE state.

  • RemoteFaulted - Indicates that the RemoteGroup resource returns an IntentionalOffline if the remote service group is OFFLINE|FAULTED.

You can use these values in combinations with each other.

You must set the IntentionalOffline attribute of the RemoteGroup resource type to 1 for this attribute to work properly. For more information about this attribute, see the Cluster Server Administrator's Guide.

Type and dimension: string-vector

Default: ""

OfflineMonitoringN ode

Defines the cluster node that performs the offline monitoring of the remote service group. This is an internal attribute. Do not modify.

Table: Type-level attributes

Type level attributes




In case of remote service groups that take a longer time to Online, Veritas recommends that you modify the default OnlineWaitLimit and OnlineRetryLimit attributes.

See the Cluster Server Administrator's Guide for more information about these attributes.



If you expect the RemoteGroup agent to support sudden offline of the remote service group, modify the ToleranceLimit attribute.

See the Cluster Server Administrator's Guide for more information about these attributes.


If you want the local service group to go online or offline when the RemoteGroup resource goes online or offline outside VCS control, set the attribute ExternalStateChange appropriately.

See the Cluster Server Administrator's Guide for more information about these attributes.