Dependency categories

Dependency categories determine the relationship of the parent group with the state of the child group.

Table: Dependency categories shows dependency categories and relationships between parent and child service groups.

Table: Dependency categories


Relationship between parent and child service groups

Online group dependency

The parent group must wait for the child group to be brought online before it can start.

For example, to configure a database application and a database service as two separate groups, specify the database application as the parent, and the database service as the child.

Online group dependency supports various location-based and rigidity-based combinations.

Offline group dependency

The parent group can be started only if the child group is offline and vice versa. This behavior prevents conflicting applications from running on the same system.

For example, configure a test application as the parent and the production application as the child. The parent and child applications can be configured on the same system or on different systems.

Offline group dependency supports only offline-local dependency.