Modifying the Cluster Server (VCS) configuration on the primary site

The following are the tasks required to modify the existing VCS configuration on the primary site:

Table: Tasks for modifying the VCS configuration on the primary site



Configure two service groups:

  • A log owner group including the RVGLogowner resource.

  • A Replicated Volume Group (RVG) group including the RVGShared resource replication objects.

See “To modify VCS on the primary site”.

See Modifying the VCS configuration on the secondary site.

Add the RVGSharedPri resource to the existing database service group and define this group as a global group by setting the ClusterList and ClusterFailOverPolicy attributes.

See “To modify VCS on the primary site”.

See Modifying the VCS configuration on the secondary site.

Move the CVMVolDg resource from the existing database service group to the newly created RVG group.

See “To modify VCS on the primary site”.

See Modifying the VCS configuration on the secondary site.

To view the sample files on your system:

See “To view sample configuration files for SF Oracle RAC”.

To view sample configuration files for SF Oracle RAC

  1. Change directories to the find the sample main.cfs:
    # cd /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/sample_rac
  2. Enter:
    # ls *sfrac*

    The following files include CVM/VVR configuration examples:

    • For the primary:

    • For the secondary:

    See Sample Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC configuration files.

To modify VCS on the primary site

  1. Log into one of the nodes on the primary cluster.
  2. Use the following command to save the existing configuration to disk, and make the configuration read-only while you make changes:
      # haconf -dump -makero
  3. Use the following command to make a backup copy of the file:
    # cd /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config
    # cp main.orig
  4. Use vi or another text editor to edit the file. Review the sample configuration file after your product installation.

    Add a failover service group using the appropriate values for your cluster and nodes. Include the following resources:

    • In a shared disk group environment, currently only the cvm master node should be assigned the logowner role.

    • IP resource

    • NIC resources

    The following are examples of RVGLogowner service group for the different platforms.

    Example for Oracle RAC:

    Please see the section "CVM master node needs to assume the logowner role for VCS managed VVR resources" in the Cluster Server Bundled Agents Reference Guide for more info.

    group rlogowner ( 
        SystemList = { sys1 = 0, sys2 = 1 } 
        AutoStartList = { sys1, sys2 } 
        IP logowner_ip (
            Device = en0
            Address = ""  
            NetMask = ""  
        NIC nic (
            Device = en0
            NetworkType = ether
            NetworkHosts = ""  
    RVGLogowner logowner (  
         RVG = dbdata_rvg  
         DiskGroup = dbdatadg  
    requires group RVGgroup online local firm
    logowner requires logowner_ip
    logowner_ip requires nic
  5. Add the RVG service group using the appropriate values for your cluster and nodes.

    Example RVGgroup service group:

    group RVGgroup ( 
         SystemList = { sys1 = 0, sys2 = 1 } 
         Parallel = 1 
         AutoStartList = { sys1, sys2 } 
    RVGShared dbdata_rvg ( 
         RVG = dbdata_rvg 
         DiskGroup = dbdatadg 
         CVMVolDg dbdata_voldg (  
             CVMDiskGroup = dbdatadg  
             CVMActivation = sw
             CVMVolume = { dbvol, dbdata_srl }  
    requires group cvm online local firm
    dbdata_rvg requires dbdata_voldg
  6. Modify the database service group using the appropriate values for your cluster and nodes:

    • Define the database service group as a global group by specifying the clusters on the primary and secondary sites as values for the ClusterList group attribute. See the bolded attribute in the example that follows.

    • Add the ClusterFailOverPolicy cluster attribute. Veritas recommends using the Manual value. See the bolded attribute in the example.

    • Add the RVGSharedPri resource to the group configuration.

    • Remove the CVMVolDg resource, if it has been configured in your previous configuration. This resource is now part of the RVG service group.

    • Specify the service group (online, local, firm) to depend on the RVG service group.

    • Remove the existing dependency of the Database service group on the CVM service group. Remove the line:

      requires group CVM online local firm
    • Remove the existing dependency between the CFSMount for the database and the CVMVoldg for the database. Remove the line:

      dbdata_mnt requires dbdata_voldg
    See configuration examples below.
  7. Save and close the file.
  8. It is advisible to modify "OnlineRetryLimit" & "OfflineWaitLimit" attribute of IP resource type to 1 on both the clusters:
    # hatype -modify IP  OnlineRetryLimit  1
    # hatype -modify IP  OfflineWaitLimit  1
  9. Use the following command to verify the syntax of the /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/ file:
    # hacf -verify /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config
  10. Stop and restart VCS.
    # hastop -all -force

    Wait for port h to stop on all nodes, and then restart VCS with the new configuration on all primary nodes:

    # hastart

Storage Foundation Cluster File System High Availability (SFCFS HA) example of a database service group configured for replication:

group database_grp ( 
    SystemList = { sys1 = 0, sys2 = 1 } 
    ClusterList = { clus1 = 0, clus2 = 1 } 
    Parallel = 1 
    ClusterFailOverPolicy = Manual 
    Authority = 1 
    AutoStartList = { sys1,sys2 } 
				OnlineRetryLimit = 3
				TriggerResStateChange = 1
				OnlineRetryInterval = 120 

    CFSMount dbdata_mnt (  
        MountPoint = "/dbdata"  
        BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/dbdatadg/dbdata_vol"  

				Process vxfend (
				PathName = "/sbin/vxfend"
				Arguments = "-m sybase -k /tmp/vcmp_socket"

    RVGSharedPri dbdata_vvr_shpri (  
       RvgResourceName = dbdata_rvg  
       OnlineRetryLimit = 0  

requires group RVGgroup online local firm
oradata_mnt requires dbdata_vvr_shpri

Storage Foundation (SF) for Oracle RAC example of a database service group configured for replication:

group database_grp ( 
    SystemList = { sys1 = 0, sys2 = 1 } 
    ClusterList = { clus1 = 0, clus2 = 1 } 
    Parallel = 1 
    ClusterFailOverPolicy = Manual 
    Authority = 1 
    AutoStartList = { sys1,sys2 } 

    CFSMount oradata_mnt (  
        MountPoint = "/oradata"  
        BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/oradatadg/racdbdata_vol"  

    RVGSharedPri ora_vvr_shpri (  
       RvgResourceName = racdata_rvg  
       OnlineRetryLimit = 0  

Oracle rac_db (  
    Sid @sys1 = vrts1  
    Sid @sys2 = vrts2  
    Owner = Oracle  
    Home = "/oracle/orahome"
    StartUpOpt = SRVCTLSTART
    ShutDownOpt = SRVCTLSTOP
requires group RVGgroup online local firm
oradata_mnt requires ora_vvr_shpri
rac_db requires oradata_mnt