vxvol set fastresync=on|off

vxvol [-o notrackalign] [-g<DynamicDiskGroupName>] set fastresync=on|off <VolumeName | DriveLetter |<VmName|DrivePath>

Turns FastResync on or off for the specified mirrored volume. The following attributes apply:

-o notrackalign

Disable track alignment on the disk where the log resides. Applicable when fastresync=on.


Needed only if you use the internal volume name.


The path name of the volume, such as \Device\HarddiskDmVolumes\DG1\Volume1.


The drive letter of the volume.


Internal name of the volume; requires the use of the -g option, such as -gDG1 Volume1.


A volume that is mounted on an NTFS folder; it is indicated by a path to that folder.

FastResync is not supported on RAID-5 volumes. If you have initiated a snapshot operation on a volume, you cannot turn off FastResync for that volume. If you try to do so, the command line interface returns an error message.

When you turn FastResync on, a DCO (disk change object) log volume is created. When you turn off FastResync, the DCO log volume is deleted. You can perform a limited number of operations on a DCO log volume.

The following topics provide more information:


Dynamic disks belonging to a Microsoft Disk Management Disk Group do not support track alignment.


vxvol set fastresync=on J:

This command turns on the FastResync feature on the volume with drive letter J.

vxvol set fastresync=on\Device\HarddiskDMVolumes\DynDskGrp1\Volume1

This command turns on the FastResync feature for Volume 1, which belongs to DynDskGrp1.

More Information


Disk Change Object (DCO) volume