Deleting the Secondary

Use the vxrds delsec command to delete the Secondary RVG on the host that the sec_host parameter specifies, from the RDS to which the RVG belongs. Use the same name that is displayed for the Secondary host in the output of the vxrds printrvg command. The delsec command dissociates the data volumes and the Replicator Log volume from the Secondary RVG, and deletes the Secondary RVG. The data volumes and Replicator Log volumes are not deleted from the SFW configuration.


If Volume Replicator is configured in a VCS or Microsoft Cluster and the cluster resource for this RVG exists, then Volume Replicator fails the delete Secondary operation if the Secondary that you want to delete is part of this configuration.

Before running the delsec command, stop replication to the Secondary host.

Use the vxrds stoprep command to stop replication.


This command dissociates the RLINKs, data volumes, and Replicator Log from the Secondary RVG. Use the -clean option to delete the dissociated RLINKs.

Syntax for vxrds delsec command

vxrds [-g<diskgroup>] [-f][-clean] delsec <local_rvg> <sec_host>


vxrds -g vvrdg -clean delsec RVG sec_host