Deleting the Primary

The vxrds delpri command deletes the Primary RVG, thereby deleting the corresponding RDS. This command only dissociates the data volumes and the Replicator Log from the Primary RVG. It does not delete the data volumes and the Replicator Log from the SFW configuration.

The vxrds delpri command fails if the Primary RVG to be deleted still has one or more Secondaries. Use the vxrds delsec command to delete all of its Secondaries before using the vxrds delpri command to delete the Primary RVG.

Use the vxrds delpri command with the -f option to forcefully delete the RVG even when the data access is enabled and the Primary data volumes are used. However, this can result in some data loss.


If Volume Replicator is configured in a VCS or Microsoft Cluster and the cluster resource for this RVG exists, then Volume Replicator fails the delete Primary operation.

Syntax for vxrds delpri command:

vxrds [-g <diskgroup>] [-f] delpri <local_rvg>


vxrds -g vvrdg delpri RVG