Removing a DCM log

The vxassist remove command removes (deletes) a volume or the DCM log from an existing volume. When you specify removing a volume, the command works the same as vxassist delete.

Syntax for vxassist remove command

vxassist [-g<DynamicDiskGroupName>] remove <volume|mirror|log>
[LogType=<DRL|DCM|DCO>] [nlog=<#>] [plex=<PlexName>

The following table describes the attributes that you can specify with the vxassist remove command.

Table: Attributes for vxassist command




Specifies whether a volume, mirror, or log needs to be removed.


Specifies the DeviceName of the volume. For example, \HarddiskDmVolumes\<diskgroup>\<volume name>


Specifies the drive letter of an existing volume.


Specifies the internal name for the volume, which you see when you use the vxvol volinfo <volume> command.


Specifies the complete drive path to volumes that are NTFS mounted.


Specifies the type of log you want to remove. This includes:

  • DCM

    Data Change Map log for the volumes that are part of an RVG. This is the default for replicated volumes.

  • DRL

    Dirty Region Log to volumes. This is the default log type for mirrored volumes.

  • DCO

    Data Change Object. This is used to implement Persistent FastResync.

nlog <>

Specifies the number of logs that need to be removed from the specified volume.


Specifies the mirror or plex that needs to be removed.