4.0 MP4RP1HF1)
The latest patch(es) : 4.0MP4RP4 VRTSvxvm 

 Basic information
Release type: Hot Fix
Release date: 2007-04-27
OS update support: None
Technote: None
Documentation: None
Popularity: 1051 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 11.01 MB
Checksum: 2812263865

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
Storage Foundation 4.0MP4 On AIX 5.2
Storage Foundation 4.0MP4 On AIX 5.3
Storage Foundation for DB2 4.0MP4 On AIX 5.2
Storage Foundation for DB2 4.0MP4 On AIX 5.3
Storage Foundation for Oracle 4.0MP4 On AIX 5.2
Storage Foundation for Oracle 4.0MP4 On AIX 5.3
Storage Foundation HA 4.0MP4 On AIX 5.2
Storage Foundation HA 4.0MP4 On AIX 5.3
Volume Manager 4.0MP4 On AIX 5.2
Volume Manager 4.0MP4 On AIX 5.3
Volume Replicator 4.0MP4 On AIX 5.2
Volume Replicator 4.0MP4 On AIX 5.3

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

This patch is obsolete. It is superseded by: Release date
4.0MP4RP4 VRTSvxvm 2008-06-06
4.0MP4RP3 (obsolete) 2007-09-10 4.0 MP4RP2HF3) (obsolete) 2007-07-18 4.0 MP4RP2HF2) (obsolete) 2007-07-04 4.0 MP4RP2HF1 - vxio binary alone) (obsolete) 2007-06-29
4.0MP4RP2 (obsolete) 2007-06-27

This patch supersedes the following patches: Release date
4.0MP4RP1 (obsolete) 2007-02-26

 Fixes the following incidents:
1036346, 900106, 901266, 917202, 922251, 922252, 922253, 922255, 922259, 924164, 935583

 Patch ID:

Readme file
 Volume Manager (UNOF Rolling-Patch_2 for Huawei)

Patch Information:

Date:           10th May 2007
AIX Release:    AIX 5.2 /AIX 5.3
Product:        VERITAS Volume Manager
Release:        VxVM 4.0
Fileset:        VRTSvxvm
Fileset level:  VxVM
Description:    VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM) 4.0MP4 + Rolling-Patch_1 + e1036346.


1. VxVM release level (minimum)
2. AIX release level 5.2 TL8 and above (minimum)
3. AIX release level 5.3 TL5 Plus Service Pack 1 and above (minimum)

Support for AIX 5.1 is not available for this release.

Software patch for the VERITAS volume Manager(VxVM) to install over the VRTSvxvm fileset.

Binaries included in this Rolling patch:

Installation Procedure:

If the currently installed VRTSvxvm is below level, you
must upgrade VRTSvxvm to level before installing this patch.

AIX maintenance levels and APARs can be downloaded from the
IBM web site:


1. Since the patch process will configure the new kernel extensions,
ensure that no VxVM volumes are in use or open or mounted before
starting the installation procedure

2. Use the installp or Smit to install the patch image.

   Using installp:

   0. Before applying this patch, please kill the vxsvc process:

        /opt/VRTSob/bin/vxsvcctrl stop

   1. To apply this patch, use following command.

        installp -ag -d ./VRTSvxvm.04.00.0004.0002.bff VRTSvxvm

   2. To apply and commit this patch, use following command

        installp -acg -d ./VRTSvxvm.04.00.0004.0002.bff VRTSvxvm

   NOTE: Please refer installp(1M) man page for clear understanding
   on APPLY & COMMIT state of the package/patch.

   Using Smit:

        Software Installation and Maintenance ->
        Install and Update Software ->
        Update Installed Software to Latest Level

   3. Reboot the system after the installation is complete.

Deinstallation Procedure:

If patch installation is in "APPLY" state, patch image can be rejected
or deinstalled. For rejecting the patch image, please use following

     installp -r -V VRTSvxvm

This command will reject/deinstall the VRTSvxvm RP2) patch.
Patch contents cannot be rejected/deinstalled if it is in COMMITed state.
Note that rejecting the patch will stop the vxconfigd(1M) (VxVM configuration
Daemon). Please start vxconfigd manually or reboot the system.

NOTE: Please refer SF 4.0 Installation Guide for AIX minimum level

Incidents fixed in this patch (entire list):
1) Incident e900106 :
        AxRT sfcfs filesystems fail to mount on reboot V-5-1-684 IPC failure:
        Configuration daemon is not accessible
2) Incident e901266 :
        vxconvert removed LVM and failed to convert
3) Incident e917202 :
        AIX:vxconvert default layout does not have the correct default naming logic
4) Incident e922251 :
        DCO enabling during I/O serialization of multiple SIOs may
        fail if system crashes
5) Incident e922252 :
        vxesd is giving core after configuration change.
6) Incident e922253:
        Even with FMR3 DRL full resync is required
7) Incident e922259:
        AIX:vxconvert " .DISKADD.LOCK" should get removed after reboot
8) Incident e924164:
        CVM Reboot Resources Fault-(RETEST)Qualification AxRT SFOR 4.0mp4 DMP
        AIX 5.3 DS4300a0a
9) Incident e935583:
        vxresize shrink goes ahead even when the volume is in disabled state
10)Incident e922255:
        VxVM: panic in volsio_rwop_setup using orapp
11) Incident e1036346:
        AIX: VOL_TIMEOUT*() macros can hang the system