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Configuring the Veritas Cluster Server and optional features

You can configure the Veritas Cluster Server and its optional features at this time. You must have chosen to install all SF Oracle RAC depots to configure the optional VCS features. Refer to the Veritas Cluster Server Installation Guide for more information.

Tasks involved in configuring the cluster server include:

Configuring the cluster

Enter a cluster name and ID to perform the basic cluster configuration.

 To configure the cluster

  1. After reviewing the instructions on how to respond to the configuration questions, enter the unique cluster name and ID.

    Enter the unique cluster name: [?] rac_cluster101

    Enter the unique Cluster ID number between 0-65535: [b,?] 101

  2. Review the NICs available on the first system as the installer discovers and reports them.
  3. Enter the details for private heartbeat links.

    You must not enter the network interface card that is used for the public network (typically, lan0).

  4. Specify whether you use the same NICs on all nodes.
  5. Review the output as the installer checks that the interface cards on each node use the same media speed settings.
  6. Verify the information that the program summarizes and confirm the information.
Configuring the cluster in secure mode

Before you configure a cluster in a secure mode, make sure you have installed a root broker on another stable system. Also, make sure you meet the requirements for automatic or semiautomatic mode of configuration.

See Symantec Product Authentication Service

 To configure the cluster in secure mode

  1. Choose whether to configure SF Oracle RAC to use Symantec Product Authentication Service.
  2. Select one of the options to configure security.

    1) Configure security automatically

    2) Configure security semiautomatically using encrypted file

    3) Configure security semiautomatically answering prompts

    Select the mode you want to use [1-3,q,?] (1)

    Based on the mode of configuration you want to use, enter one of the following:



    1. Automatic configuration 

    Enter the name of the root broker system when prompted. 

    Requires remote access to the root broker. 

    Review the output as the installer verifies communication with the root broker system, checks vxatd process and version, and checks security domain. 

    2 . Semi-automatic using encrypted files 

    Enter the path of the file for each node when prompted. 

    3. Semi-automatic entering authentication information at installer prompts 

    Enter the following root broker information as the installer prompts you: 

    Enter root Broker name:

    Enter root broker FQDN: [b] (

    Enter root broker domain: [b] (

    Enter root broker port: [b] (2821) 2821

    Enter path to the locally accessible root hash [b] (/var/tmp/installvcs-1Lcljr/root_hash)

    Enter the following authentication broker information as the installer prompts you for each node: 

    Enter authentication broker principal name on galaxy [b] (

    Enter authentication broker password on galaxy:

    Enter authentication broker principal name on nebula [b] (

    Enter authentication broker password on nebula:

  3. After configuring the cluster in secure mode, proceed to configure the Cluster Management Console cluster connector.

    See Configuring cluster connector

Adding SF Oracle RAC users

If you configured the cluster in secure mode, you need not add SF Oracle RAC users now. Proceed to configure the Cluster Management Console cluster connector. Otherwise, you can add SF Oracle RAC users at this time.

See Configuring the cluster in secure mode

See Configuring cluster connector

 To add SF Oracle RAC users

  1. Review the required information to add SF Oracle RAC users.
  2. Reset the password for the Admin user, if necessary.
  3. To add a user, enter y at the prompt.
  4. Enter the user's name, password, and level of privileges.

    Enter the user name: [?] smith

    Enter New Password:*******

    Enter Again:*******

    Enter the privilege for user smith (A=Administrator, O=Operator, G=Guest): [?] a

  5. Enter n at the prompt if you have finished adding users.

    Would you like to add another user? [y,n,q] (n)

  6. Review the summary of the newly added users and confirm the information.
Configuring cluster connector 

If you configured the Cluster Management Console management server to centrally manage this cluster, you can now configure cluster connector for the buffering feature. If a firewall exists between the management server and this cluster, then you must configure cluster connector to enable centralized management. Make sure you meet the prerequisites to configure cluster connector.

See Veritas Cluster Management Console

 To configure cluster connector

  1. Review the information to configure Cluster Management Console.
  2. Choose whether to configure cluster connector or not. Do one of the following:
  3. Review the required information to configure cluster connector.
  4. Enter the Management Server network address for Cluster Management Console.

    Enter the network address used by the management server [?] (galaxy)

  5. Verify and confirm the management server information.
  6. Enter the following information that is required to securely communicate with the management server.
  7. Verify and confirm the information.
Configuring the Cluster Management Console

If you want to locally manage this cluster, then you must configure the Cluster Management Console. Note that this cluster can also be a part of the centrally managed clusters.

See Veritas Cluster Management Console

 To configure the Cluster Management Console

  1. Review the required information to configure the Cluster Management Console.
  2. Choose whether to configure the Cluster Management Console or not. Do one of the following:
  3. Confirm whether you want to use the discovered public NIC on the first system. Do one of the following:
  4. Confirm whether you want to use the same public NIC on all nodes. Do one of the following:
  5. Enter the virtual IP address for the Cluster Management Console.

    Enter the Virtual IP address for Cluster Management Console: [b,?]

  6. Confirm the default netmask or enter another one:

    Enter the netmask for IP [b,?] (

  7. Enter the NetworkHosts IP addresses, separated by spaces, for checking the connections.

    Enter the NetworkHosts IP addresses, separated by spaces: [b,?]

  8. Verify and confirm the Cluster Management Console information.

    Cluster Management Console verification:

    NIC: lan0




    Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y)

Configuring SMTP email notification

You can choose to configure SF Oracle RAC to send event notifications to SMTP e-mail services. You need to provide the SMTP server name and e-mail addresses of people to be notified. Note that it is also possible to configure notification after installation.

 To configure SMTP email notification

  1. Review the required information to configure the SMTP email notification.
  2. Specify whether you want to configure the SMTP notification. Do one of the following:
  3. Provide information to configure SMTP notification.
  4. Add more SMTP recipients, if necessary.
  5. Verify and confirm the SMTP notification information.
Configuring SNMP trap notification

You can choose to configure SF Oracle RAC to send event notifications to SNMP management consoles. You need to provide the SNMP management console name to be notified and message severity levels. Note that it is also possible to configure notification after installation.

 To configure the SNMP trap notification

  1. Review the required information to configure the SNMP notification feature of SF Oracle RAC.
  2. Specify whether you want to configure the SNMP notification. Do one of the following:
  3. Provide information to configure SNMP trap notification.
  4. Add more SNMP consoles, if necessary.
  5. Verify and confirm the SNMP notification information.
Configuring global clusters

You can configure global clusters to link clusters at separate locations and enable wide-area failover and disaster recovery. Note that you must have entered a valid license key for SF Oracle RAC global clusters.

See Preparing for global clustering

 To configure the global cluster option

  1. Review the required information to configure the global cluster option.
  2. Specify whether you want to configure the global cluster option. Do one of the following:
  3. Provide information to configure the Global Cluster option.

    If you configured Cluster Management Console to manage this cluster locally, the installer discovers and displays the virtual IP address and netmask used by the Cluster Management Console. You can use the same virtual IP address and netmask.

    See Configuring the Cluster Management Console

    Do one of the following:

  4. Verify and confirm the configuration of the global cluster.