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.cmdlog file link 

.translog file link 


dgid .binconfig file link 

dgid .cfgrec file link 

dgid .diskinfo file link 

dgid.dginfo file link 

/etc/vx/log logging directory link link 

/etc/vx/vxconfigd.log file link 

/etc/vx/vxvm-startup file link 

/var/log/messages file link 


ACTIVE plex state link 

ACTIVE volume state link 


badlog flag

clearing for DCO link 

BADLOG plex state link 

boot disks

configurations link 

recovery link 

boot process link 


Cannot open /etc/fstab link 

CLEAN plex state link 

client ID

in command logging file link 

in transaction logging file link 

cmdlog file link 


associating with transactions link 

logging link 


backing up for disk groups link link 

backup files link 

resolving conflicting backups link 

restoring for disk groups link link 


recovery from failure of link 


data loss, RAID-5 link 


recovering volumes link 

removing badlog flag from link 

DCO volumes

recovery from I/O failure on link 

debug message

logging link 

degraded mode, RAID-5 link 

DEGRADED volume state link 

detached RAID-5 log plexes link 

DETACHED volume kernel state link 

DISABLED plex kernel state link link 

disk group errors

new host ID link 

disk groups

backing up configuration of link link 

configuration backup files link 

recovering from failed move, split or join link 

resolving conflicting backups link 

restoring configuration of link link 

disk IDs

fixing duplicate link 


causes of failure link 

failing flag link 

failures link 

fixing duplicated IDs link 

reattaching link 

reattaching failed link 


fixing duplicated disk IDs link 


EMPTY plex state link 

ENABLED plex kernel state link 

ENABLED volume kernel state link 

ERROR messages link 

error messages

A virtual disk device is open link 

All transactions are disabled link 

Already at highest version link 

Attempt to disable controller failed link 

Attempt to enable a controller that is not available link 

bad format on line # of /etc/fstab link 

can't import diskgroup link 

Can't locate disk(s) link 

Cannot assign minor link 

Cannot auto-import group link link 

Cannot find disk on slave node link 

Cannot kill existing daemon link 

cannot open /dev/vx/config link 

Cannot recover temp database link 

Cannot remove last disk group configuration copy link 

Cannot reset VxVM kernel link 

Cannot start volume link link 

Clustering license restricts operation link 

Configuration records are inconsistent link 

Configuration too large for configuration copies link 

CVM protocol version out of range link 

daemon count must be above number while clustered link 

default log file link 

Device is already open link 

Differing version of vxconfigd installed link 

Disabled by errors link link 

Disk for disk group not found link 

Disk group does not exist link link 

Disk group errors

multiple disk failures link 

Disk group has no valid configuration copies link link link 

Disk group version doesn't support feature link 

Disk in use by another cluster link 

Disk is in use by another host link 

Disk is not usable link 

Disk not moving, but subdisks on it are link 

Disk reserved by another host link 

Disk write failure link 

Duplicate record in configuration link 

enable failed link link 

Error in cluster processing link 

Errors in some configuration copies link link link 

Format error in configuration copy link 

group exists link 

import failed link 

Incorrect protocol version in volboot file link 

Insufficient DRL log size, logging is disabled link 

Insufficient number of active snapshot mirrors in snapshot_volume link 

Invalid block number link 

Invalid magic number link 

Join in progress link 

Join not allowed now link 

logging link 

Master sent no data link 

Memory allocation failure link 

Missing vxconfigd link 

Name conflicts with imported diskgroup link 

No more space in disk group configuration link 

No such device or address link 

No such file or directory link 

no valid complete plexes link 

No valid disk found containing disk group link 

no valid plexes link 

no volumes started link 

Node activation conflict link 

Not in cluster link 

not updated with new host ID link 

Operation is not supported link 

Plex plex not associated with a snapshot volume link 

Plex plex not attached link 

Plexes do not belong to the same snapshot volume link 

RAID-5 plex does not map entire volume length link 

Record already exists in disk group link 

Record is associated link 

Record volume is in disk group diskgroup1 plex is in group diskgroup2 link 

Reimport of disk group failed link 

Request crosses disk group boundary link 

Retry rolling upgrade link 

Return from cluster_establish is Configuration daemon error link 

Skip disk group with duplicate name link 

some subdisks are unusable and the parity is stale link 

startup script link 

Synchronization of the volume stopped due to I/O error link 

System startup failure link 

The VxVM restore daemon is already running link 

There are two backups that have the same diskgroup name with different diskgroup id link 

There is no volume configured for the root device link 

Transaction already in progress link 

transactions are disabled link 

Unable to add portal for cluster link 

Unrecognized operating mode link 

update failed link 

upgrade operation failed link 

Version number of kernel does not match vxconfigd link 

Version out of range for at least one node link 

Vol recovery in progress link 

Volboot file not loaded link 

Volume for mount point /usr not found in rootdg disk group link 

Volume is not startable link link 

volume not in rootdg disk group link 

Volume or plex device is open or mounted link 

Volume record id is not found in the configuration link 

vxclust not there link 

vxconfigd cannot boot-start RAID-5 volumes link 

vxconfigd is not enabled for transactions link 

vxconfigd minor number in use link 

vxconfigd not ready link 


failing flag

clearing link 


disk link 

system link 

FATAL ERROR messages link 

fatal error messages

Memory allocation failure during startup link 


disk group configuration backup link 


hardware failure, recovery from link 


defined link 

RAID-5 link 


INFO messages link 

IOFAIL plex state link 



corrupted MBR link 


unstartable volumes link 

log file

default link 

syslog error messages link 

vxconfigd link 

LOG plex state link 

log plexes

importance for RAID-5 link 

recovering RAID-5 link 


associating commands and transactions link 

directory link link 

logging debug error messages link 



recovering corrupted link 

mirrored volumes, recovering link 

MOVE flag

set in TUTIL0 field link 


NEEDSYNC volume state link 

NOTICE messages link 

notice messages

added disk array link 

Attempt to disable controller failed link 

Detached disk link 

Detached log for volume link 

Detached plex in volume link 

Detached subdisk in volume link 

Detached volume link 

disabled controller connected to disk array link 

disabled dmpnode link 

disabled path belonging to dmpnode link 

enabled controller connected to disk array link 

enabled dmpnode link 

enabled path belonging to dmpnode link 

Offlining config copy link 

Path failure link 

read error on object link 

removed disk array link 

Rootdisk has just one enabled path link 

Unable to resolve duplicate diskid link 

Volume entering degraded mode link 


PANIC messages link 


regeneration checkpointing link 

resynchronization for RAID-5 link 

stale link 

plex kernel states

DISABLED link link 


plex states

ACTIVE link 

BADLOG link 

CLEAN link 

EMPTY link 

IOFAIL link 

LOG link 

STALE link 


defined link 

displaying states of link 

in RECOVER state link 

mapping problems link 

recovering mirrored volumes link 

process ID

in command logging file link 

in transaction logging file link 



detached subdisks link 

failures link 

hot-relocation link 

importance of log plexes link 

parity resynchronization link 

recovering log plexes link 

recovering volumes link 

recovery process link 

stale parity link 

starting forcibly link 

starting volumes link 

startup recovery process link 

subdisk move recovery link 

unstartable volumes link 

reattaching disks link 

reconstructing-read mode, stale subdisks link 

RECOVER state link 


disk link 

reinstalling entire system link 

REPLAY volume state link 

restarting disabled volumes link 


RAID-5 parity link 

root disks

configurations link 

recovery link 

root file system

configurations link 

root file system, damaged link 


snapshot resynchronization

recovery from errors during link 

stale parity link 


displaying for volumes and plexes link 


marking as non-stale link 

recovering after moving for RAID-5 link 

stale, starting volume link 

swap space

configurations link 

SYNC volume state link link 


error log file link 


reinstalling link 

system failures link 



associating with commands link 

logging link 

translog file link 

TUTIL0 field

clearing MOVE flag link 


udid_mismatch flag link 

usr file system

configurations link 


V-5-0-106 link 

V-5-0-108 link 

V-5-0-110 link 

V-5-0-111 link 

V-5-0-112 link 

V-5-0-144 link 

V-5-0-145 link 

V-5-0-146 link 

V-5-0-147 link 

V-5-0-148 link 

V-5-0-164 link 

V-5-0-166 link 

V-5-0-168 link 

V-5-0-181 link 

V-5-0-194 link 

V-5-0-196 link 

V-5-0-2 link 

V-5-0-207 link 

V-5-0-216 link 

V-5-0-237 link 

V-5-0-243 link 

V-5-0-244 link 

V-5-0-249 link 

V-5-0-251 link 

V-5-0-252 link 

V-5-0-258 link 

V-5-0-34 link 

V-5-0-35 link 

V-5-0-386 link 

V-5-0-4 link 

V-5-0-55 link 

V-5-0-64 link 

V-5-1-1063 link 

V-5-1-111 link 

V-5-1-116 link 

V-5-1-117 link 

V-5-1-1171 link 

V-5-1-1186 link 

V-5-1-121 link 

V-5-1-122 link link 

V-5-1-123 link link 

V-5-1-1236 link 

V-5-1-1237 link 

V-5-1-124 link 

V-5-1-134 link 

V-5-1-135 link 

V-5-1-148 link 

V-5-1-1589 link link 

V-5-1-169 link 

V-5-1-2020 link 

V-5-1-2173 link 

V-5-1-2192 link 

V-5-1-2197 link 

V-5-1-2198 link 

V-5-1-2274 link 

V-5-1-2290 link 

V-5-1-2353 link 

V-5-1-249 link 

V-5-1-2524 link 

V-5-1-2630 link 

V-5-1-2824 link 

V-5-1-2829 link 

V-5-1-2830 link 

V-5-1-2860 link 

V-5-1-2862 link 

V-5-1-2866 link 

V-5-1-2870 link 

V-5-1-2879 link 

V-5-1-2907 link link 

V-5-1-2908 link 

V-5-1-2911 link 

V-5-1-2922 link 

V-5-1-2928 link 

V-5-1-2933 link 

V-5-1-2935 link 

V-5-1-3009 link 

V-5-1-3020 link 

V-5-1-3022 link 

V-5-1-3023 link 

V-5-1-3024 link 

V-5-1-3025 link 

V-5-1-3030 link 

V-5-1-3031 link 

V-5-1-3032 link 

V-5-1-3033 link 

V-5-1-3034 link 

V-5-1-3042 link 

V-5-1-3046 link 

V-5-1-3049 link 

V-5-1-3050 link 

V-5-1-3091 link 

V-5-1-3212 link 

V-5-1-3243 link 

V-5-1-3362 link 

V-5-1-3486 link 

V-5-1-3689 link 

V-5-1-3828 link 

V-5-1-3848 link 

V-5-1-4220 link 

V-5-1-4267 link 

V-5-1-4277 link 

V-5-1-4551 link 

V-5-1-4620 link 

V-5-1-4625 link 

V-5-1-480 link 

V-5-1-484 link 

V-5-1-5150 link 

V-5-1-5160 link 

V-5-1-5161 link 

V-5-1-5162 link 

V-5-1-525 link 

V-5-1-526 link 

V-5-1-527 link 

V-5-1-528 link 

V-5-1-543 link 

V-5-1-544 link 

V-5-1-545 link 

V-5-1-546 link link 

V-5-1-554 link 

V-5-1-557 link 

V-5-1-568 link 

V-5-1-569 link link 

V-5-1-571 link 

V-5-1-577 link 

V-5-1-579 link link 

V-5-1-583 link 

V-5-1-587 link 

V-5-1-5929 link 

V-5-1-6012 link 

V-5-1-663 link 

V-5-1-6840 link 

V-5-1-737 link 

V-5-1-768 link 

V-5-1-90 link 

V-5-1-91 link 

V-5-1-92 link 

V-5-1-923 link 

V-5-2-573 link 

volboot file

reinitializing link 

volume kernel states



volume states

ACTIVE link 



REPLAY link 

SYNC link link 


displaying states of link 

listing unstartable link 

RAID-5 data loss link 

recovering for DCO link 

recovering mirrors link 

recovering RAID-5 link 

restarting disabled link 

stale subdisks, starting link 


controlling command logging link 


backing up disk group configuration link 


log file link 

vxconfigd.log file link 


restoring a disk group configuration link 


removing badlog flag from DCO link 


changing level of debug logging link 

reinitializing the volboot file link 


recovering from failed disk group move, split or join link 


updating the disk identifier link 


clearing a disk failing flag link 

vxinfo command link 

vxmend command link 

vxplex command link 


displaying volume and plex states link 


reattaching failed disks link 

vxsnap make

recovery from failure of link 

vxsnap prepare

recovery from failure of link 

vxsnap reattach

recovery from failure of link 

vxsnap refresh

recovery from failure of link 

vxsnap restore

recovery from failure of link 


controlling transaction logging link 


RAID-5 recovery process link 

recovering configuration of link 

vxvol recover command link 

vxvol resync command link 

vxvol start command link 


WARNING messages link 

warning messages

Cannot create device link 

Cannot exec /bin/rm to remove directory link 

Cannot exec /usr/bin/rm to remove directory link 

Cannot find device number link 

Cannot fork to remove directory link 

cannot log commit record for Diskgroup bootdg link 

Cannot open log file link 

Couldn't open /etc/fstab link 

Detaching plex link 

Detaching plex from volume link 

detaching RAID-5 link 

Disk device not found link link 

Disk group is disabled link 

Disk group log may be too small link 

Disk in group flagged as shared link 

Disk in group locked by host link 

Disk names group but group ID differs link 

Disk skipped link 

disks not updated with new host ID link 

Double failure condition detected on RAID-5 link 

Duplicate virtual device number(s) link 

error 28 link 

Error while retrieving information from SAL link 

Failed to join cluster link 

Failed to log the detach of the DRL volume link 

Failure in RAID-5 logging operation link 

Illegal vminor encountered link 

Kernel log full link 

Kernel log update failed link 

library and vxconfigd disagree on existence of client link 

log object detached from RAID-5 volume link 

Log size should be at least link 

mod_install returned errno link 

No such file or directory link 

object detached from RAID-5 volume link 

object plex detached from volume link 

Overlapping mirror plex detached from volume link 

RAID-5 volume entering degraded mode operation link 

read error on mirror plex of volume link 

Received spurious close link 

SAL authentication failed link 

subdisk failed in plex link 

Uncorrectable read error link 

Uncorrectable write error link 

volume already has at least one snapshot plex link 

volume is detached link 

Volume remapped link