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Completing pre-upgrade Tasks

 To complete pre-upgrade tasks

  1. Upgrade OS and install any patches, if required. Refer to Oracle metalink note 169706.1, "Operating Systems Installation and Configuration Requirements Quick Reference" for details.
  2. Take a hot or cold backup of the existing Oracle 9iR2 database.
  3. Take a backup of the existing Oracle Home and Central Inventory.
  4. Freeze the VCS service groups that contain resources to monitor Oracle database instances and/or listener processes. As root user, enter:

    #haconf -makerw

    #hagrp -freeze oradb1_grp -persistent

    #haconf -dump -makero

  5. Shutdown Oracle database instances and listener processes on each node in the cluster.
  6. Stop the Global Services Daemon, gsd. As "oracle" user, enter:

    $$ORACLE_HOME/bin/gsdctl stop

  7. 7. Rename the SRVM configuration file. As "oracle" user, enter:

    $cd /var/opt/oracle

    $mv srvConfig.loc srvConfig.loc_backup

  8. Configure Private IP addresses for CRS communication. Refer to "Chapter 10" for details.
  9. Create home directory for CRS binaries and a new home directory for Oracle 10gR2 binaries. Refer to "Chapter 10" for details.
  10. Create diskgroup, volume and filesystem for OCR and vote disk. Refer to "Chapter 10" for details. Add a CFSMount and CVMVolDg resource to VCS configuration for monitoring the shared diskgroup and filesystem.