Simple or nopriv disks with enclosure-based naming

If you change from OS-based naming to enclosure-based naming, simple or nopriv disks may be put in the error state and cause VxVM objects on those disks to fail.

You can use the vxdarestore command to handle simple and nopriv disk failures that arise from changing to the enclosure-based naming scheme. You do not need to use this command if your system does not have any simple or nopriv disks, or if the devices on which any simple or nopriv disks are present are not automatically configured by VxVM (for example, non-standard disk devices such as ramdisks).


You cannot run vxdarestore if OS-based naming is in use. Additionally, vxdarestore does not handle failures on simple or nopriv disks that are caused by renaming enclosures, by hardware reconfiguration that changes device names, or by changing the naming scheme on a system that includes persistent sliced disk records.

See the vxdarestore(1M) manual page.

More Information

Removing the error state for simple or nopriv disks in the boot disk group

Removing the error state for simple or nopriv disks in non-boot disk groups