Running a fire drill

After you complete the initial fire drill preparation step using the Fire Drill Wizard, you can run the fire drill immediately without exiting the wizard or run the wizard later to run the fire drill.

Running the fire drill does the following:

For details on the operations that occur when running a fire drill, refer to the following topics:


After running the fire drill, the fire drill service group remains online. After you verify the fire drill results, run the wizard again to restore the system to the prepared state. Otherwise, if the fire drill service group remains online, it could cause failures in your environment. For example, if the application service group were to fail over to the node hosting the fire drill service group, there would be resource conflicts, resulting in both service groups faulting.

See Restoring the fire drill system to a prepared state.

To run a fire drill

  1. If you completed the initial preparation and have not exited the wizard, or if you are returning to this procedure after re-creating a fire drill service group, go to step 6.

    Otherwise, if you need to restart the wizard, continue with the next step.

  2. From the Solutions Configuration Center, start the Fire Drill Wizard (expand Solutions for Additional Applications, expand Fire Drill, expand Configure or run a fire drill, and click Fire Drill Wizard).
  3. In the Welcome panel, click Next.
  4. In the System Selection panel, specify a system in the primary site cluster and click Next.
  5. In the Service Group Selection panel, select the service group and click Next.
  6. In the Secondary System Selection panel, specify the system previously prepared for the fire drill at the secondary site and click Next.

    If the fire drill configuration is in a prepared state, the wizard compares the resources of the fire drill service group with the resources of the application service group.

  7. If the application service group changed since the fire drill configuration was prepared, the wizard displays the Re-create Fire Drill Service Group panel, showing the differences.

    Choose one of the following:

    • Leave the option checked to re-create the configuration before running the fire drill and click Next. You complete additional steps in the wizard before running the fire drill.

      See Re-creating a fire drill configuration that has changed.

    • To run the fire drill on the existing configuration, clear the option to re-create the fire drill service group and click Next.

  8. In the Fire Drill Mode Selection panel, click Run Fire Drill and click Next.
  9. In the Post Fire Drill Script panel, optionally specify the full path to a script for the wizard to run on the secondary system right after running the fire drill. The script must already exist on the secondary system. Click Next.

    See About post-fire drill scripts.

  10. In the Fire Drill Implementation screen, wait until all fire drill tasks are performed and click Next.

    The Summary panel displays the message that the fire drill is complete. You can leave the wizard running while you verify the results or exit the wizard.

    To exit the wizard, click Finish.

  11. Run your own tests to verify the fire drill results.


    You should always restore the fire drill system to a prepared state immediately after completing fire drill testing on a service group.

  12. Restore the fire drill configuration to the prepared state.

    See Restoring the fire drill system to a prepared state.