Method 1: Moving the Secondary RVG disk group on to a spare server within the same LAN as the Primary

For example, consider the following scenario in a sample setup where the Primary host name is london and the Secondary host name seattle. The host cambridge is a spare server that exists on the same LAN as the Primary host london.

To move the Secondary RVG disk group on to a spare server

  1. On the Secondary host seattle:

    • Select the vvr_dg disk group and right-click.

    • Select the Deport Dynamic Disk Group option from the menu that appears, to deport the disk group vvr_dg on which Secondary RVG vvr_rvg is created.

  2. Physically ship the disks under this disk group to the system cambridge that is present on the same LAN as that of Primary host: london.

    The host cambridge is a spare server that exists on the same LAN as the Primary host london.

  3. On the host cambridge:

    • Select the vvr_dg disk group and right-click.

    • Select the Import Dynamic Disk Group option from the menu that appears. Import the disk group vvr_dg on which Secondary RVG vvr_rvg exists on another host by selecting the Clear host ID option.

  4. Considering that the host IP of cambridge is change the RLINK IP addresses using the commands:
    On Primary london
    vxrlink set remote_host= rlk_seattle_vvr_rvg
    On Secondary Cambridge
    vxrlink set local_host= rlk_london_vvr_rvg
  5. On host cambridge:

    Select the Start Replication operation to start the replication using the Synchronize Automatically option. The operation is much faster over a LAN as compared to that over a WAN.

  6. After synchronization is complete,

    • On host london

      vxrlink pause rlk_seattle_vvr_rvg
      vxrvlink set remote_host= rlk_seattle_vvr_rvg
    • On host cambridge

      vxrlink pause rlk_london_vvr_rvg
      vxrvlink set local_host= rlk_london_vvr_rvg
  7. Deport the disk group from host cambridge and ship the disks back to the original Secondary host seattle. Now, import the disk group on host seattle. Import the disk group on another host by selecting the Clear host ID option.
  8. Resume the RLINKs that were paused in step 6.